Patuxent River Complex
Testing and Training Activities
Environmental Impact Statement

Get Involved

An integral part to the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) process is public involvement. Public and agency input allows decision makers to benefit from local knowledge and consider community concerns.

The Final EIS completed years of research, analysis, consultations with state and federal agencies, stakeholder and tribal engagement, and public involvement. The Navy completed the 30-day wait period and signed the Record of Decision. The NEPA process is now complete.

The Navy, after carefully weighing the strategic, operational, and environmental consequences of the Proposed Action, announces its decision to:

  • Conduct testing and training as identified in Alternative 2, in the Final for Testing and Training Activities in the Patuxent River Complex (PRC).
  • Implement this alternative to enable the Navy and other U.S. military services to meet their respective missions.
  • Continue to implement the full suite of mitigation measures detailed in the Final PRC EIS to avoid or reduce potential environmental impacts during testing and training activities.
Final EIS

The Final EIS evaluated the potential environmental effects of continuing to conduct military testing and training activities within the Patuxent River Complex needed to meet current and projected military readiness requirements.

The Final EIS main document and appendices are available to download by clicking the bold headings in the graphic below.
Record of Decision

To review the Record of Decision, please click here.

Previously, the public was invited to participate in the NEPA process during the following stages:

  • Scoping Period: The scoping comment period ended on April 1, 2019. Thank you for your comments.
  • Draft EIS Public Review and Comment Period: The comment period was from April 30, 2021 through June 15, 2021. The comment period is now closed. Thank you for your comments.
  • Public Meetings: A series of public meetings were held to coincide with each public comment period. Information presented at these meetings can be found on the Review Documents page.