Patuxent River Complex
Testing and Training Activities
Environmental Impact Statement


The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires federal agencies to consider potential environmental impacts on the human, natural, and cultural environment before making a decision on a major federal action.

What is an EIS?

An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is a report that provides a detailed analysis of the potential effects that a major federal action may have on people and the environment. An EIS:

  • Is prepared by a multidisciplinary team
  • Considers alternative ways to accomplish the proposed action
  • Includes consultation and incorporates comments from other federal, state, and local agencies that have jurisdiction, either by law or special expertise
  • Includes an early and open process for public involvement

The Navy has completed the final version of the EIS for Testing and Training Activities in the Patuxent River Complex (PRC). The completion of the Final EIS follows years of research, analysis, consultations with state and federal agencies, stakeholder and tribal engagement, and public involvement.

The Navy waited 30 days and has signed a Record of Decision (ROD). Alternative 2 was selected after careful consideration. The ROD specifies that the Navy continue to implement the full suite of mitigation measures detailed in the PRC Final EIS to avoid or reduce potential environmental impacts during testing and training activities.

-  Thank you for your participation in the PRC Draft EIS virtual public meetings.
-  Thank you for your participation in the PRC EIS scoping meetings.
-  Thank you for your comments on the PRC EIS.
-  Thank you for your participation in the EIS process.

EIS Timeline

The EIS process is complete.